The district council introduced this scheme to 'lucky' residents in January 2008, supposedly to help residents that struggled to park because of commuters.
In fact Priory Road was the only area without line markings to stop commuters
I know some determined commuters, but none that would park all day on double yellow lines
So the local councils jumped straight in to collect a nice little earner.
If your property has increased in value due to being hit
by the council cash stick....congrats.
If you can get parking close to your property and
have enough spaces..... .congrats.
BUT some of the problems caused by this scheme have left
some householders worse off !.
It was never checked where people use to park,
so properties with access to off road parking
and houses with dropped kerbs also have permits.
Each vehicle is entitled to 100+ visitors permits
free of charge, visitors are not residents
why are they taking up householders spaces ?.
The council wont guarantee parking spaces
but in some areas they have issued permits to
none residents........what use is that to the people that actually live there ?.
These permits are available because of the property
address and yet they are valid in every zone, why ?.
This was supposed to help people that live in an area,
its not an exclusive club, where permit holders can
park all over the town while 'normal people' have to pay !
Camper vans are excluded from any height restrictions
so if you dont want yours blocking out the light/view stick it outside somebody elses house !
ps they can start issuing fines in April 2010
I didnt realise they could park anywhere, why am I paying to park to shop ?
ReplyDeleteBicester Blonde
We had a stranger from the next street, has a permit and parked outside our house for 8 weeks without moving........whats resident about that ?.